Meet Dr. Lindsey Graham, PT, DPT

Hello! I am Lindsey! I am a proud wife and mom to three wonderful girls and boy pup, Reilly. Originally from St. Louis, I made the move to Kansas City to complete my Doctorate in Physical Therapy at Rockhurst University- and also because my now-husband was here!

As a passionate marathon runner with a goal to complete a marathon in all 50 states (30 down, 20 to go!), I bring the same dedication and perseverance to my practice as a PT. With over 10 years of experience in orthopedics, my journey into pelvic health physical therapy was deeply personal and transformative. After my first C-section, I was advised to “just ease back into running and listen to my body,” which, as a marathon runner accustomed to pushing through pain, left me unsure of how to proceed safely. This experience highlighted a significant gap in education and support for women returning to sports and daily activities postpartum.

Determined to find a solution, I sought out pelvic floor physical therapy during and after each of my pregnancies. These experiences fueled my passion for helping other moms navigate pregnancy, postpartum recovery, and a safe return to their fitness goals and daily functions. 

When I’m not at the clinic, you can often find me running through the neighborhood or with friends, exploring the great outdoors with my kids in all kinds of weather, discovering new and hidden gems around Kansas City, diving into a professional development book, or practicing daily meditations. 

Some fun facts about me

  1. I studied abroad in Australia and played rugby for the universities team while there

  2. I went to undergrad in Florida and was a member of a volunteer boating search and rescue team 

  3. I have dislocated my patella (knee cap) twice, once landing a backflip (was a gymnast for 10 yrs) and once playing rugby

  4. I am slightly obsessed with recycling and eco-friendly swaps in my home

  5. I have been skydiving twice; once in Australia and once in Illinois 

  6. I was a vegetarian for 15 years and now eat alll the meat! I started again when I got pregnant with my first