How to Holiday-Proof Your Pelvic Floor

How to Holiday-Proof Your Pelvic Floor

By Heather Evans, DPT

It may be the most wonderful time of the year however all of the travel, stress, and sweet treats can wreak havoc on your body - and your pelvic floor! Here are a few tips to help you navigate the holiday season while keeping your pelvic floor happy and healthy.

1) Watch bladder irritants: Extra coffee to fuel those long days of shopping, alcohol at Christmas parties, soda at family gatherings - it's tempting to increase our intake of bladder irritants during the month of December. My top two tips for avoiding bladder irritants:

- Stop and think before mindlessly consuming something - do you really want that next glass of wine or are you getting a refill because someone else is? Do you really need that 3 pm coffee? If you do, then see the next tip. However, if you stop and think about it, you may actually do better with a quick walk or a 5-minute meditation to increase your energy level.

- Water, water, water. Our water intake can drop when we are offered so many other things to drink (cider, hot cocoa, etc), but try not to let your normal intake decrease. If you're going to have a bladder irritant, like the coffee mentioned above, drink water with it!

2) SLEEP: I can't tell you how many social media posts I see around the holidays with parents up late assembling toys, wrapping gifts, cooking, or online shopping. Make a list, and create a plan for when you will get everything done to avoid last-minute late night sessions. Do your very best to sleep 7-8 hours each night so you are properly recharged for the next day.

3) Don't neglect your bowel health: Holidays can lead to all kinds of bowel issues, such as constipation or diarrhea. This can partly be due to decreased water (see #1!), but I know I'm guilty of dropping my fruit and vegetable intake when I'm presented with a holiday feast filled with casseroles, stuffings, ham, and so many desserts. I KNOW I do this so I make myself fill at least half of my plate with veggies - I find the salad, the green beans, the brussel sprouts. Yes, they may be doctored up a bit more than normal, but it still helps to get those veggies in. If I know I have a holiday lunch coming up that day, I try to focus on really eating an extra-healthy breakfast to start the day off right in order to balance some of the treats later that day.

4) MOVE: Try to fit in a workout before you meet up with the family at noon. Take the dog for a 2 pm stroll when you are feeling overstuffed. Join in with the kids' backyard game of tag or sledding. You will feel so much better, and this movement will really help with digestion, stress level, and good blood flow to the pelvis.

5) Pre-plan ways to address stress: I LOVE Christmas, but even though I find everything super fun, it can still be stressful planning everything and making it as magical as I can for my kids. I know many people have much greater stress levels during the holidays - dealing with difficult family members, caring for aging parents, struggling with the loss of family members, or dealing with issues that seemed heightened around the holidays (such as infertility). Before you reach the peak of this stress, acknowledge that it is coming and make a plan for what will help you the most. Everyone's way to cope is different, but some ideas may include: doing some yoga in the mornings, taking a walk, doing a 5-minute meditation, journaling, reading a book, delegating tasks to other family members, or taking a warm bath or shower. If situations become too intense, always remember that it is okay to walk away and give yourself a break. 

You give so much of your time and energy to others this season - don't forget to take care of yourself!

I hope you all have a wonderful December. Here's to keeping our pelvises happy and healthy as we head into the new year!


New Year, Same You with New Goals!


Breastfeeding and Your Pelvic Floor - Part One